Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

Last night was my final MBA class. Our group received our Biofuel paper back from the professor, and, on the fine document, he wrote that he would personally look for a national conference in which the paper would fit b/c he said it was that good. It’s been awhile since I’ve had my academic ego inflated even a tad bit, so that was a nice gesture. Granted, it was a group project, so I can’t take all the credit as one individual in particular provided exceptionally useful information (he works in the oil industry).

And I turned in my take home exam for HRM. My last duty as a grad student: sell back my Legal Environment book for $20. Why not the HRM book? I purchased a paperback international version (that shouldn’t be sold in the U.S.) for cheap online. Save now or save later.

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While still not finalized, I believe I’m taking this upcoming Monday off and heading to Athens w/ B. I can play a round of golf (or two) and meet some of her friends for dinner. The flexibility of my job is gratifying: so long as I have my work done, my boss is generally okay with letting me off; of course, it helps he’s a fellow golfer and takes off frequently.

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Creeping closer and closer to revision weekend. I’ll wear a bib in case I vomit over my old drafts.

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According to Forklift, OH, I’m Jason S. Fraley. That darn S. just moves around wherever it pleases. Whore of a letter, I say. Still immensely pleased to be in the journal.

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I still have that $75 Amazon gift certificate I mentioned awhile back. Since I have quite a backlog of reading, I’m leaning toward buying a handful of CDs. Somewhere, B and her iPod are convulsing.

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I read why our president says. I weep. I see all the ’08 candidates. I weep.

Anyone care to start a local revolution?



Rachel Mallino said...

*sigh* My dad says on a daily basis that he is ready to start a revolution- that's all I've heard for the last 7 years. So much so that it's been an inside joke between my friends and me for years. But it's par for the course - my dad tried to join the Black Panthers in the 70's. Of course, they wouldn't let him join since he's white. lol.

Anonymous said...

Many congrats on your graduation! Be sure and celebrate these past few years of having worked your ass off.

- D -