Monday, April 30, 2007

I Can Read

I’m very pleased with myself: I started reading a book I started over Spring Break. I forget the exact title, but it involves some combination Marx, economic papers of 1844, and the Communist Manifesto (which I’ve read several times). The economic papers are interesting, and my objective is to read these papers, the Manifesto again, and then start into Baudrillard’s early economic writing, the books before he acid tripped his way into another dimension. I plan to sneak in some novels as well just to ease the dry reading. And I need to finish Minima Moralia, too, as I cannot generally start new books without finishing any outstanding projects.

One thing I have noticed about Marx’s economic papers is how much things have changed. The chapter on renting and landlords, while correct at its very base, is just completely non-applicable. True, maybe just updating the lexicon would help tremendously, but the examples / support he uses makes me furrow my brow (which, as B would note, is not necessarily an uncommon occurrence). That’s why I like Baudrillard’s early stuff – he applies Marx in a very pomo way that, imo, is a must in post-industrial societies.

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The above reading schedule can only occur if B retrieves my copy of Simulation and Simulacra from Marshall. She has refused to do so thus far. Everyone join in a chorus of holding her responsible for my general level of stupidity.

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Finished second in the golf scramble. Won some money. Enough to pay for the next scramble.

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I’ve never had more trouble finishing a take-home test in my life. I had to turn down a round of golf with a friend tonight b/c I need to finish that test and take care of a few things around the house. How lame is that?

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At least for another eight months or so, tax hours have been cast into hell once more.

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Kinda dry today, gang. Hopefully, with a little stimulation, I’ll be moist with the honey of wit and wisdom soon. Feel free to help.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wasn't going to respond to this one, but the concluding sentences begged me.

Way to feminize yourself with those lines. I'd be happy to help in the stimulation if you needed a hand. Or two. ;)

...I just felt B's disapproving look melting into my skin. It's going to leave scars.

Your friendly hippiecore, queerfuck , revolutionary socialist whose lover just referred to him as "the whore of Babylon,"

- Daya -