Monday, April 23, 2007

I Hate the Blogger Font Size Button b/c It Never Works

By definition, small and medium cannot be the same size. Otherwise, all bras would be labeled "bra" instead of [insert letter of the alphabet that most fulfills your fantasy]. If a bra's contents do not excite you, my apologies. I'm two posts away from blogger jihad.

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Originally, this little nectar grove of cyberspace was supposed to have more of a literary bent, and I’m determined to follow through on that mission. Unfortunately, I cannot blame the deviation on anything noteworthy: just classes and associated projects. Longer tax season hours, two nights of classes a week, and two-three additional nights of homework / reading, made me treasure whatever free moments I could spare. Which means mindless entertainment like basketball or computer gaming. While warmer weather will certainly encourage more golf outings, that’s a tad more relaxing than career-enhancing (seriously) than HRM. So after the upcoming weekend, expect to see more blog posts related to literature, poetry, and theoretical crap that only dorks like myself, B, and Daya can appreciate.

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I do have one poetry related question though: Why is Mark Irwin so popular? For his popularity, his work seems to be missing that essential ingredient that makes me take notice. I’m not crying generic, and he is definitely a talented poet, but his poems just seem unremarkable.

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If you like good music, you owe it to yourself to check out the following bands (I provided myspace accounts for your listening pleasure where I could):

And One
Panzer AG

Don't tell me you're going to listen. Go listen, and then tell me how sorry you are for not listening sooner. And then shower me with accolades.

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I desperately miss being in an active intellectual / literary community. Most of Marshall is akin to a post-apocalyptic wasteland of Abercrombie & Fitch zombies, though the English department seemed to be a dim bastion of promise. (Says quite a bit about my MBA, I know.) I’m very envious of B in that regard as I miss the classroom catfights / discussions and just having the sense that I wasn’t the only well-read individual in a 100 mile radius. Wait, that can’t be true with Wal-Mart’s cornucopia of books . . . Heck, OU even has a golf course on campus.

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Hippiecore slut was the best term I’ve heard since Nintendocore (Horse the Band).


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