Wednesday, February 14, 2007

When it rains, it pours....

Dear Climate:

Hi. I really don't have much of a problem with you. In high school, when you threw fits in winter and caused icy snowy nastiness, I was your best friend. I think I treated you pretty well. And you know, I'm not normally in the habit of complaining about you.

But lately, it's felt a little bit like you have it out for me, and your attitude is starting to piss me off. If you think it's funny to cause icy snow nastiness on the only two days of the week that I actually have somewhere kind of important to be - like school, to get my degree - then I'm afraid our formerly good relationship is going to sour very quickly.

If you do not immediately cease and desist, then in the future, I'll be referring all pissed professors, missed discussions, and general existential angst over ridiculous things - like, say, my participation grade in my seminars and the perceived respect my professors might think I have for their classes - your way.

Nobody likes a douchebag. Please behave.

Sincerely yours,

- b-

1 comment:

Jason and Brandy said...

Chin-up girl. Your profs will understand.

