Friday, September 21, 2007

Inflate My Problems Away Mr. Bernanke

Just so everyone here knows, I'm a poet connected to the business world. It's a loveless marriage, but the animosity keeps me going.

Anyways, our Fed Chairman is an idiot. Here's why. Btw, you really should bookmark Long or Short Capital. Any site that is long Limes and Camels but short burqas has my utmost confidence.

Oh, and here's a picture of the economy's hero:

I feel warm, fuzzy, and poor every time he acts. If anyone would like to join me in burning an effigy to Ben made of dollar bills, let me know.


1 comment:

Rachel Mallino said...

The hubby said the same thing at lunch today (not to me, of course)

When will you learn that recession is ok? It’s actually healthy, it’s the cycle, it’s how things have worked for a thousand years. Trying to prevent every small recession is going to end in one huge recession (ie. depression)

I knew he was a smartie.