Thursday, February 15, 2007

To Clarify

Yesterday, B noted that my poetry aesthetics post was rather monolithic and dismissive; to a degree, I agree (what is it with all this rhyming?). My intent was to avoid needless hedging, constant reminders that “this is a generality,” etc. I still did that anyway it seems.

So, to clarify, my post was not a personal invalidation or rejection of any other poetry aesthetics. I’m married to someone getting a degree in all the dead white guys that don’t do much for me. Rather, I was just pointing out my stylistic preferences and some underlying rationale. I appreciate the craft and talent of those who fall outside my purview, and, heck, I even own a Billy Collins book (though it was a gift, so it probably doesn’t count).

There, that quasi-disclaimer should cover things.

Because I missed a cool zombie party thrown by one of B’s friends for an HRM class where the teacher printed out a PowerPoint presentation and then proceeded to read directly from the slideshow, a picture:

Yeah, it's the Monty Python bunny.



Jason and Brandy said...

....he looks a little too happy to be dressed like a bloody bunny, you know?

John Baird said...

Photo credit please